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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Week Three

It's hard to believe the pups are already three weeks old. They are growing so fast, and are no longer small enough to hold in one hand - or use the kitchen scale to weigh to monitor their growth. Not that they will hold still in a basket or large bowl set on top of the scale anymore either, preferring to tip it over and crawl close for attention. Though they do still spend quite a lot of their time sleeping and eating, which due to how fast they are growing, is no surprise.

As you can probably tell, we've moved the pups upstairs into our living room, which means I have even less motivation to do anything other than sit with and play with the puppies (or have them all decide to climb around me and sleep against me - and what sort of cruel person would I be if I disturbed their slumber just to go sweep floors!) When they are awake, they are quite noisy, as they are exploring their newfound world. One of their favorite things to do in their explorations, is wrestle with each other - or at least, try eating each other's faces and feet.

I've put some toys in for the pups to try playing with, but they are far more interested in chewing on each other, rather than the toys. They occasionally enjoy laying on top of, or dragging around the toys though.

The toy they like best though, is the flat crinkly chicken though. It's small enough they can get their mouth around it best. We've decided that the crinkly toy is NOT allowed to be in there at night though, as they roll over it, play with it, and make noise off and an all night, which does not help with us getting much sleep. And while I'm quite happy they like it, knowing over half the noise at night is not them playing with it, but crawling over it to get to mama for a midnight feeding, I don't feel bad taking it away so we can sleep. I'm pretty sure the other squeaky toys will also end up being removed at night, once they are big enough to be able to chew on them enough to make them make noise.

Once they are big enough and more interested in toys, I'll add quite a few more to their pen. For now, they still are quite happy just chewing on each other, when they aren't eating or sleeping.

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