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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour


The puppies are growing so fast! They are already 6-weeks-old, and trying to escape their pen any time the gate is open. They have had a few 'firsts' so far this week. One of which, was the start of regular baths, which they are not so sure they approve of.

Of course, if they'd listen, and not create a 'poo-pocolypse' between when I finish cleaning their pen for the last time in the evening, and when I get up in the morning, the baths wouldn't be quite so crucial. But 6 un-housebroken puppies that have no qualms in running through, and wrestling in their own filth, makes for quite a bit of mess. It's a full time job just trying to keep the pen clean during the day.

I don't use shampoo almost at all when bathing the puppies. They are so young, that I worry about stripping the oils from their skin and fur, especially with needing to bathe them daily. Instead, I just use water, unless the smell has really sunk into their fur and water is simply not enough. Thankfully, that is very rarely the case. When they are ready to go to their new homes though, I'll likely use shampoo, just to make sure they are nice and clean for their new families.

Another first for the puppies, was they were able to go outside to play, as we had some nice weather this past week.

They ended up with some black marks on them, because we'd forgotten that the ash from the woodstove had blown across the front yard, and there are bits of charcoal all over.

We made sure to have food and water for them outside too. Part of our goal, was to give them something we wanted them to eat, rather than have them try to eat every bit of dried plant or charcoal bit that they found.

While they liked the outdoors, they were also nervous, as it was the first time for them, and it can be a big scary place for such little puppies. This did make keeping track of them a bit easier, as they wanted to stay right with us most of the time, but they did enjoy running short distances to show their bravery, before running back for reassurance and security.

The puppies still are quite happy to play with 'their humans' in their pen.

They are definitely starting to teeth more, and we're doing what we can to teach them not to use their sharp little baby teeth on us. But they forget when they get excited.

After the trauma of baths, or the excitement of playing with 'their humans', the puppies get tired, and are happy to just snuggle close and go to sleep.

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