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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour


It's hard to believe they are already 7 weeks old. In just one more week, they'll be starting to go to their new homes. They are much more energetic as each week passes, and definitely in the chewing stage right now. We're trying to teach them not to bite, but with so many, progress is very slow, especially when they are excited and hyper, desperately wanting to play with their humans.

They had their first vet appointment this past week. They weren't so sure of having to be in a kennel to drive there, but they settled down and went to sleep once we started driving. The vet and everyone at the office loved the puppies, and they all got a clean bill of health. The shots and dewormer messed with their stomachs a bit, but some pumpkin mixed into their food soon solved the problem.

The weather has been nice most of last week, so we were able to take the puppies outside more often. They love being able to run around and explore.

The one challenge that I found, was since during the summer we have cattle in our pasture, the pups were finding all sorts of dried 'chew toys'. They didn't understand why I kept taking their toys away.

Of course, they found other 'treasures' too. Feathers apparently were a very exciting find.

I was much happier when they found sticks to play with instead.

Raiju and Shisa would run around and play with the pups too. Raiju mostly played 'keep away', but as soon as the pups stopped chasing him, he'd be right back among them, not wanting to be left out of any fun, and going over to check on the puppies as they ran and played.

After they've played a while, and used up their energy, the puppies are quite happy to come settle down by us, snuggle up, and go to sleep.

(Just a reminder. There are more photos on our facebook page, and I post videos on our youtube channel! The buttons at the bottom of the page should direct you there.)

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