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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Week #6 Puppy Update

This past week has been a busy week for the pups. They've been a lot more active, and this week was mostly chilly, so I didn't want to take them outside. That meant playing with them myself. They love to get attention, and try to climb into my lap any time I am sitting. If I am standing, they are on their hind legs, standing against me, in an attempt to get attention. This can be a lot of fun, but if I'm trying to get any sort of work done, it can definitely make things more difficult.

Yellow has become the most laid back of the pups. If the other two are playing too roughly, he'll wander off to the side and flop down for a nap. If he can climb into my lap, or lay down next to me and not be trampled by his brothers, that's even better. It was with great excitement that we were able to find him a home, so now all the pups have a forever home waiting for them.

The pups had their first visit to the vet this week, which went well. Blue and Yellow weren't so sure about the shots, but Red didn't care about shots at all, too focused on his treat to be bothered about such things. The pups were quite happy with the attention from more people while at the vet. Sadly, I forgot my phone, so couldn't get any pictures of their first major outing.

The weather was nice one evening this week, so we were able to take the pups outside again. They were running in a pack for some of it, chasing after their mom and dad. The lamb was no longer able to just step away and be left alone either, so we put him in his pen. The pups decided that exploring was a wonderful idea, and tried eating any stick or stone they could find.

Even the cat was out, though she promptly informed the pups that they were to keep their distance. Thankfully, just a hiss was all the pups needed to decide that maybe they wouldn't go over and try sniffing the new critter.

Our pond was something that had the puppies quite interested. Thankfully, it is a shallow pond, as each puppy fell in it multiple times. We brought a towel out to dry them off before they took off running to play again, as while the weather was warm, the water was still pretty chilly.

The guineas even came out to see what all the commotion was about. The pups never got too close, though red did run towards them once or twice. However, when the large birds got closer, the pups quickly decided that a retreat was wise. The guineas, though curious, also didn't want to get too close, content to walk around nearby and squawk.

After having fallen in the pond, rolled in the dirt, and wrestled with each other, the pups were filthy, and needed yet another bath. Thankfully, our deep sink works wonderfully for a puppy bath.

I was pleasantly impressed with how they have been doing with baths. They aren't trying to escape or throwing a fit. They just kind of accept it, while their brothers who are not getting my undivided attention in the other room holler till it is finally their turn. They each had a turn getting washed and dried, before returning to their pen for a well deserved nap.

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