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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Week #4 Puppy Update

The pups are four weeks old! They are getting a lot more inquisitive, exploring their world, and playing with each other. I'm greeted by puppy barks every time I go into the room, and they truly love attention. Both Blue and Red have their new homes lined up, so only Yellow is still waiting.

The pups have started to show interest in solid food. Unfortunately for their poor mama, this means walking through her food dish, licking the food, and occasionally getting a small piece in their mouth to suck on till they decide it is too big and spit it out, only to go for another piece. When they loose interest in that, they just resort to chewing on poor mom's face and ears, since they are so conveniently close by.

I've started introducing the pups to soft food, and they are interested, but don't lick up much yet.  I'm sure that will change before too long though, as they're only 4 weeks old.Blue is often the first pup to find the food, but they all flock around the dish till something claims their attention. I have to make sure Shisa is outside when I feed them though, or she'll try eating all their food too.

We have had our first escapee the other day!  My husband called me from the other room and asked if the pups were supposed to be out.  Red had apparently crawled out of the pen, down the hall, and was chewing on his mother in the living room.   I put him back in the pen, stepped out to get my camera, and found him following me out the door.  Of course, once I had the camera ready, he wasn't interested in trying to escape again - at least for the moment. Later on he was back out, since I was on the floor petting his mama on the other side of the doorway into the pen.  This time I had my camera handy.

He promptly trotted out of the room, and snatched up one of Raiju's toys, a small green stuffed rabbit. Apparently, he enjoys toys, and wants all of them.

Seeing toys were becoming more popular, I added more for the pups to play with. I hadn't added them before, because their mother, Shisa, has a bad habit of carrying off any toy she finds. I guess little Red comes by his toy-napping honestly. All three pups were soon enjoying them, trying out the different toys and shaking them around as they growled and barked.

The most entertaining toy, is the small tennis balls. The pups aren't quite sure what to think of them. Every time they go nose the ball to sniff it, it moves. This causes the pups to jump and bark at the ball, before trying again, only to have the same scenario repeat itself.

It was nice out yesterday, warm and no wind (which is unusual around here), so we took the pups outside for a bit.  The pups weren't sure what to think, and stayed with me, so I wasn't able to get too many good pictures this time. Shisa ran around exploring, but came back regularly (just in time to get in the way of pictures... perfect timing dog) to check on the pups. 

Even the lamb came to check on them.  We kept a close eye on him, so he wouldn't try headbutting the pups like he does to the dogs and tries to do to the guineas when he is trying to steal their food. He was pretty good though, and the pups licked his nose a few times.

It wasn't long though, before the pups climbed into our laps and fallen asleep, so we gathered them all up and returned inside.

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