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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Week #3 Puppy Update

Updated: Feb 27, 2018

The pups are now three weeks old, and starting to explore their world! One of the three has a new home lined up and waiting, but the other two are still waiting for their new families to find them.

Their eyes are fully open, and they are starting to get their little puppy teeth. They still sleep a lot, but they are starting to be awake more often, and enjoy getting attention. This means even more reason for me to be highly distracted and engage in procrastination with daily chores, as playing with puppies is far more enjoyable. They aren't playing with toys yet, but are crawling on top of each other and trying to chew on the ears, face, tail, and feet of their mother and each other. They also try chewing on our clothes, hands, and shoes, though thankfully with their teeth only just starting to emerge, this isn't causing problems yet.

Their favorite thing though is still eating, so mama being around is definitely a distraction from the pups playing and getting attention.

Poor mama is probably ready for the pups to not be quite so attention seeking. It probably won't be too long though before they start getting interested in solid food, rather than mama's milk, as they're beginning to sniff the food bowl when she's eating. I'll be starting to introduce soft mushy puppy food for them to start trying this coming week, just as a supplement and new experience.

One of our cats, Enenra, has started to get curious about the puppies now that they have come upstairs. We don't leave her unsupervised in the room, just to be on the safe side. But it is funny watching her sneak in and observe them. I think she's trying to decide if they are a threat, or something to play with (she's not quite a year old). She's known for trying to cause mischief, and walking up to our other cat and the dogs and lightly bopping them with her paw to see what they do. We'll see what she thinks when these pups are steady on their feet, and notice her.

The pup are looking more like dogs every day, and are so very cute. With all this growing and discovery of their world, the pups get worn out quickly. So they still sleep most of the day. We're having to be careful to not make too much noise now though, as since they are starting to hear, we can accidentally wake them quite easily. They like to curl up next to us to sleep which only adds to their distraction-causing existence.

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