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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Week #1 Puppy Update

The little guys are a week old! They mostly eat and sleep, growing bigger by the day. Little blue definitely is a believer that doing nothing but eating and sleeping is the perfect way to get bigger. The other two (red and yellow) are much more prone to crawling around and wanting to find the 'best' spot to sleep, which often is on top of one another.

This coming week, they should start opening their eyes, which I am sure will lead to far more exploration. Once they are three-four weeks, and can hear, I'm expecting poor Shisa will want a break even more often. She's been a good mama, and stays with them most of the time, but she definitely misses being underfoot with us. She comes upstairs for attention whenever the pups are sleeping and she can leave them safely.

I'm adjusting the collars on the pups almost every day. Thankfully, they aren't trying to pull them off over their heads, so I can make them loose enough to slip on easily, and then just change the size once it gets too small for that. It definitely helps in identifying them and making sure I keep proper track of which is which when I weigh them each evening. Especially with Red and Yellow (better nicknames will come once more of their personality comes out) vying for which weighs more. Blue holds a solid lead, but the other two have swapped places once or twice so far.

Poor Raiju though, isn't sure what is going on. His best friend and playmate is spending most of her time downstairs, and only stays outside a short while before wanting back in and vanishes down the 'scary' steps. Even 'his humans' go down there regularly, and there are new noises down there that he is curious about. Sadly for him though, his courage and curiosity doesn't include braving the stairs, so he just lays there looking quite dejected until he's not left alone with the cats upstairs, promptly trying to get any attention he missed while being 'abandoned' upstairs.

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