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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Water adventures

When living on a ranch, all sorts of things can go wrong. A cattle stepping on and breaking a fitting in a stock tank, for example, can cause a guyser to appear, rather than the float properly cutting off the flow of the water. This leads to an interesting situation for the dogs. First, Shisa loves water, and will even chase water coming out of a hose. A fountain spraying up in the air is her dream. Needless to say, the dogs had a field day racing around in the water until it was shut off manually. Raiju, quite interested in the water that till now he hadn't jumped into decided to give it a try. Shisa, who usually lead the way, wasn't very interested.

After a few days, the water level going down enough to see and make repairs though, Shisa was quite happy to leap into the cool water and play. Neither dog was at all concerned about the fact they were interrupting the cattle's drink as they romped about in the water. Nor did they mind the large crowd of bovine spectators.

The only downside to this activity, is it revealed how much silt and mud had formed in the bottom of the tank, both dogs looking quite gray by the end of it. At times, They looked almost black, until they'd splash enough water over them to rinse most of the mud off. I suppose wrestling and body slamming each other in the water will result in getting mud all over you, but a hose was definitely needed later to try to get most of the color off of them before they were allowed back into the house.

Oh well, it was a hot day, and the dogs were happy. I'm sure the cattle (who came to get a drink as soon as the dogs hopped out to go roll in the dirt and continue playing tag with each other) didn't go away bored from the show either.

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