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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Three Weeks Old

The pups are growing steadily. They still spend most of their time eating and sleeping, but they are starting to become more and more active, especially now that they can see.

They are starting to figure out walking, rather than looking like little seals as they pull themselves around. Now they look a bit more like little polar bears. They are starting to crawl over to get attention when we go into their pen.

Of course, they also try chewing on us, hoping we'll provide food like their mama does.

They spend a lot of their awake time, crawling on top of each other to find the most comfortable spot, and starting to play a little, as they chew on each other.

They are starting to be a little curious about mama's food, though they aren't trying to lick or eat it yet. That may start sometime next week. Instead, they are quite put out that their mama is rather distracted, and is not laying down to feed them right away.

Some have tried to find solutions, such as sitting in her food dish to remind her that she should be taking care of them.

While others are quite frustrated that they are not tall enough to nurse while she is standing up. They try, but they can't quite reach, and end up falling over and vocalizing their displeasure quite loudly that their meal is so close, yet still so far away.

Once mama has finished eating her own meal though, she returns her attention to her puppies, and makes sure they get a good meal too.

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2 comentarios

02 mar 2021

They are so adorable love your updates

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Olga K
Olga K
02 mar 2021

Thank you for sharing!

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