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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

They Are Here!

Well, it's a few days earlier than I expected, but Shisa decided to surprise us. Upon returning home last night, she had three pups waiting for us.

By the time she was done giving birth this morning, we had a total of 7 pups crawling around and making more noise than you'd think something so small should be able to make!

They are so cute. So much for me wanting to be productive and get non-essential chores done around out house. I'm quite happy to just sit down there with my girl and watch over her pups. She's being such a good mama, making sure to keep them all together, cleaning them off, and making sure they all are eating.

There are four boys, and three girls. All thankfully seem healthy, despite being several days earlier than anticipated. The boys are wearing the blue, red, light blue, and green collars. The girls are in the purple, yellow, and orange collars. I'll be working on posting more pictures and updates as they get bigger.

For those who may be new and may be worried, the pups are not outside or in a kennel. They are in our basement, so that Shisa can have some privacy with the newborns. The metal fencing you see is to help keep the pups from rolling or crawling too far away, though Shisa can easily walk out the gate to come see us (though at this point, she's not leaving their sides). To help make sure there isn't any danger of it being too cool down there, especially with the wet and cool weather we've had the past day or two, I have a heat lamp there as well, just to make sure mama and babies will be comfortable. Being in the basement also helps, since Raiju doesn't like stairs, so lays at the top, wondering why his buddy is staying downstairs with the noisy little things, rather than coming up to play with him. When the pups are older, we'll move them upstairs, and on days that the weather is good, take them outside to let them play.

If you want to see more cute puppy pictures, I'll be posting more almost every day on my facebook page.

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