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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Shisa loves water

Shisa quickly proved to loved water. If we went on a walk and there was water, even just a puddle, she'd be in it. One of her favorite things is to have us throw sticks into the nearby small pond for her to swim out and fetch.

We had a small in-ground bird bath that we quickly found intrigued her. Having a floating fountain that looked like a Frisbee drew her attention even more. She loved trying to catch the water that flew from the fountain. Thankfully, she did learn quickly that the fountain wasn't a toy, and stopped trying to fetch it rather than her toys.

Our stock tank fascinated her. There was so much water close to the house. However, hopping or falling in once was enough to cause her to not be quite so fond of the idea of getting in there. The main factor was that the water was deeper than she was tall, unless standing on her hind legs, so that made getting out slightly harder than getting in.

Needless to say though, the stock tank didn't scare her, and she was over there regularly for a drink when we'd be out exploring.

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