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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

My Most Anticipated Post of the Year!!

For all of you most anxiously waiting, the time is here! Yesterday afternoon and evening Shisa gave birth to 6 healthy puppies. 3 Boys (collars are blue, light blue, and green), and 3 girls (collars are Pink, Purple, and Orange).

Shisa is being a wonderful mama. She's doing her best to make sure all the pups stay close, hardly getting up to get her own food and water, or to go outside. And while she's fine with me holding the pups, if they start whining, she has her nose in my hand to, checking on the pup and giving my hands a bath as much as she does the pup.

For those of you who are unaware, puppies are NOT quiet. (I'll see if I can get a video posted on facebook or youtube later today to demonstrate). As my husband has pointed out, it sounds like either a bunch of coyotes or cats are downstairs. And they make noise ALL the time. Little quiet peeps when they are asleep, or loud squeaks when they are awake. And if they are not happy, they let you know, as their volume increases. Their displeasure can be due to something as simple as one of them moved - which disrupts the sleep of those using it as a pillow, or simply rolling away and realizing they aren't snuggled up with others.

However, the worst offender is mama. Now, sometimes it's just that mama has decided they need a bath, which the pups protest as unnecessary. But other times... mama does the unthinkable - she stands up. The puppies don't understand that Shisa occasionally needs to get something to eat and drink herself, or simply change positions. When she is so selfish as to decides to actually move, their shrill piercing wails can be heard clearly. Of course, to compound this, they then start rolling all over trying to find her, which makes it very difficult for her to round them all up and manage to lay back down to settle them. Needless to say, I will not be getting much sleep for the next several days or more, even if I wasn't getting up every 30 to 60 minutes to go check on them through the night.

Raiju isn't sure what to think about this whole situation. The noisy things that steal his toys, crawl on his bed, and chase him have returned. Shisa isn't interested in coming to play, and I'm downstairs a good chunk of the day (he doesn't like stairs). This means he's all alone, and does the only thing he can - mope at the top of the stairs hoping I'll feel guilty and come play and snuggle with him instead of the puppies.

As those who have followed my blog for a while now, you know I'm terrible with updating. However, now that the puppies are here, I'll do my best to update regularly so you can see the puppies grow and develop their personalities. I'll be posting pictures to my facebook page as well, so if all you're looking for is cute puppy pictures, I'll start having new ones posted soon!

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