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  • Writer's pictureRachel Harbour

Explorer Shisa

Shisa quickly showed her love of exploring and going on walks. The longer the walk, the better. This turned out to be a win-win, as a long walk meant she may take a nap, and let me get a few chores done without her being underfoot.

(You knew she was tired if she fell asleep before finishing her food. She loves food.)

She loved to run around and smell all the new smells, even if we'd been there just the day before. She never wandered far though, and would come when I called, so I didn't need to keep her on a leash as we explored the pastures.

If Shisa found a bone, it was the highlight of her trip. She'd proudly carry it with her until either we reached the house, or she grew too tired and dropped it. If, however, I tried to pick it up to carry for her, she would quickly regain interest in carrying it again.

Introducing her to the corn fields was fun. She couldn't see us, so would race up and down the row to locate us. Playing hide and seek in there with her definitely wore out some of her energy.

It was on some of these explorations, that I discovered one of the downsides of a white dog. Especially one that loves water - and mud. Mud shows up quite well. Thankfully, Shisa's coat is one that doesn't cling to the mud badly, and as soon as the mud is dried, it either flakes off or easily brushes out.

(This pictures was taken before she tripped, face-planted, and rolled in the mud to get up... By later that day though, she was white again, though we did rinse her with a hose when we got home to help get the majority of the mud off her.)

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